
ID: 43

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PASS BA Conference 2015

Session Date/Time (dd-MM-YYYY 24h) Speaker Category Track Title
20-04-2015 08:30 Lynn Langit Pre-Conference Session (full day) Unlocking Big Data 3 Tools an Hour - 24 FREE Tools every business analyst needs
20-04-2015 08:30 Rob Collie, Avi Singh Pre-Conference Session (full day) Discover & Integrate Join the Power BI & Excel Revolution
20-04-2015 08:30 Chandoo (Purna Duggirala) Pre-Conference Session (full day) Analyze & Interpret Building Awesome, Interactive & Advanced Charts with Excel
20-04-2015 08:30 Dean Abbott Pre-Conference Session (full day) Analyze & Interpret An Overview of Predictive Analytics for Practitioners
21-04-2015 09:45 Jen Underwood Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Best Practice Mobile Dashboard Design  
21-04-2015 09:45 Oz du Soleil Breakout Session (60 minutes) Discover & Integrate The Pain and Glory of Data Preparation
21-04-2015 09:45 Scott Shaw Lab (120 minutes) Unlocking Big Data Big Data and the Data Lake from the Analyst Perspective
21-04-2015 09:45 Avi Singh Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform The Art of Power BI Visualization: Create Reports That Help You Run Your Business
21-04-2015 09:45 Rob Collie Breakout Session (120 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Increased Margins, Period: Modern Excel and the Bottom Line
21-04-2015 11:00 Rick Grantham Breakout Session (60 minutes) Communicate & Lead Making Informed Decisions: Guidelines for Creating an Effective Dashboard
21-04-2015 11:00 Dean Abbott Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret What Skills Do Predictive Modelers Need?
21-04-2015 11:00 Othniel Denis Breakout Session (60 minutes) Communicate & Lead The ROI of Business Analytics: Calculating Financial Return
21-04-2015 11:00 Hyoun Park Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret The Data Supply Chain: Maximizing Value Throughout the Cycle
21-04-2015 13:00 James Kobielus Breakout Session (60 minutes) Unlocking Big Data Unlocking Big Data: The Power of Cognitive Computing
21-04-2015 13:00 Jordan Goldmeier Breakout Session (60 minutes) Discover & Integrate Creating Outstanding Spreadsheet Models
21-04-2015 13:00 Dipak Bhudia, Minnie Park Breakout Session (60 minutes) Discover & Integrate Self Service Business Intelligence: Helping Businesses Help Themselves
21-04-2015 13:00 Brandon Purcell Breakout Session (120 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Open for Business: Leveraging Open Data to Gain Advantage on the Competition
21-04-2015 13:00 Richard Lee Breakout Session (60 minutes) Communicate & Lead Embracing The Data Leadership Nexus to Achieve Strategic Success
21-04-2015 13:00 Chandoo (Purna Duggirala) Lab (120 minutes) Visualize & Inform Creating Awesome Charts in Excel: Process and Examples
21-04-2015 14:30 Marco Russo Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Budgeting with Power Pivot
21-04-2015 14:30 Ike Ellis Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform 60 Reporting Tips in 60 Minutes
21-04-2015 14:30 Paco Gonzalez Breakout Session (60 minutes) Discover & Integrate Social Listening, Data Extraction & Discovery
21-04-2015 14:30 Michelle Ufford Breakout Session (60 minutes) Unlocking Big Data Resistance is Futile: What You Need to Know about Big Data
21-04-2015 15:45 Satheesh Iyer Breakout Session (60 minutes) Unlocking Big Data Is There Really Such a Thing as Turnkey Data Analytics Solution?
21-04-2015 15:45 Daniel Fylstra Lab (120 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Beyond What-If: How to Build Analytic and Decision Models in Spreadsheets
21-04-2015 15:45 Mahesh Kumar, Santhosh Krishnan Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Predictive Analytics in Social Media and Online Display Advertising
21-04-2015 15:45 Bill Jelen Breakout Session (120 minutes) Analyze & Interpret MrExcel's Most Productive Analysis Techniques
21-04-2015 15:45 David Smith Breakout Session (60 minutes) Unlocking Big Data Real-Time Big Data Analytics with R
21-04-2015 15:45 Sanjay Soni, Miguel Martinez Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Pour Some Data on Me: Discover, Manage, Analyze, and Visualize Your Data with Power BI
21-04-2015 17:00 Miguel Llopis Breakout Session (60 minutes) Discover & Integrate Data Hunters & Gatherers: Discover, Acquire, and Transform Your Data with Power Query
21-04-2015 17:00 David Schaefer, Gregorio Martinez Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Enabling Customer-Driven Insight: How Intel is Delivering Self-Service BI
21-04-2015 17:00 Marc Reguera, Jeff Lumpkin Breakout Session (60 minutes) Communicate & Lead The Valued Analyst: From Data to Insight in 60 Minutes
22-04-2015 09:45 Igor Peev Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Visualizing and Analyzing Data in 3D
22-04-2015 09:45 Jessica Ellis Breakout Session (60 minutes) Unlocking Big Data Internet of Things Farm: Introducing Kids to Data Science
22-04-2015 09:45 Dean Abbott Lab (120 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Starting Your First Predictive Analytics Project
22-04-2015 09:45 James Taylor Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret A New Approach to Defining BI Requirements
22-04-2015 09:45 Chris Webb Breakout Session (60 minutes) Discover & Integrate Best Practices for Collecting and Analyzing Data with Power Query and Excel
22-04-2015 09:45 Ken Raetz Breakout Session (60 minutes) Communicate & Lead The Art of Prototyping Analytics
22-04-2015 11:00 Kasper de Jonge Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Advanced Modelling and Calculation Using the Power BI Designer
22-04-2015 11:00 Chandoo (Purna Duggirala) Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Top 10 Excel Formulas for Analysts
22-04-2015 11:00 James Haight Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Data Visualization, Storytelling, and the Brain
22-04-2015 11:00 Lynn Langit Breakout Session (60 minutes) Discover & Integrate Using Premium Data for Analysts
22-04-2015 11:00 Theresa Palmer-Boroski Breakout Session (60 minutes) Discover & Integrate Instant Dashboards for Your Critical Business Applications: Dynamics, Salesforce, Marketo and more!
22-04-2015 13:00 Matt Allington Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Becoming Team Awesome: How to Create Value and Present Data to Business Executives in SharePoint
22-04-2015 13:00 Jack Mardack Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform The Analytics of Growth Hacking
22-04-2015 13:00 Bob Phillips Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Dynamic Presentation Using Excel CUBE Formulas
22-04-2015 13:00 Marco Russo Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Inventory Valuation Techniques with DAX and Tabular Models
22-04-2015 13:00 Ken Puls Lab (120 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Optimizing your Power Pivot models using Power Query (and other performance tips)
22-04-2015 13:00 Andrew J. Brust Breakout Session (120 minutes) Unlocking Big Data Using Hadoop with Excel and Power BI, Plus Data Discovery 101
22-04-2015 14:30 Zack Barresse Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Advanced Excel Add-Ins
22-04-2015 14:30 Sandy Rivas Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Big Ways Small Businesses are Leveraging Analytics to Gain Insights
22-04-2015 14:30 Mark Wilcock Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret 'What If’ Scenarios for Uncertainty in Business – Analytics as Your Crystal Ball
22-04-2015 14:30 Jordan Goldmeier Breakout Session (60 minutes) Communicate & Lead Making Better Decisions with Data
22-04-2015 15:45 Jen Stirrup Breakout Session (60 minutes) Visualize & Inform Pulling Back the Green Curtain: Data Forensics, Power BI, and Dataviz
22-04-2015 15:45 Paco Gonzalez Breakout Session (60 minutes) Analyze & Interpret Social Listening for Richer Data, Unstructured Analytics
22-04-2015 15:45 Rick Grantham Breakout Session (60 minutes) Communicate & Lead Creating an Effective Reporting Strategy: Tools, Metrics, Analytics

SessionID: 7624

3 Tools an Hour - 24 FREE Tools every business analyst needs

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Event Date: 20-04-2015 08:30 - Category: Pre-Conference Session (full day) - Track: Unlocking Big Data

Speaker(s): Lynn Langit

Title: 3 Tools an Hour - 24 FREE Tools every business analyst needs


In this hands-on session, Lynn will share, show and teach how to get more value of your data by using her favorite free tools for analysts.

She will take you through the common data projects stages (survey, clean, locate, process, store, query and analyze) and will show you tools which can help you be more effective at each of these stages.

Tools shown will include those which help you to find and fix mistakes in your source data, to tools which visualize your data in a useful way and many more.

SessionID: 7678

Join the Power BI & Excel Revolution

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Event Date: 20-04-2015 08:30 - Category: Pre-Conference Session (full day) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Rob Collie, Avi Singh

Title: Join the Power BI & Excel Revolution


Power BI is a multi-faceted technology “wave” that can be thought of as “Business Intelligence finally becoming accessible.” But we think it is also VERY useful to view it as “a revolution in Excel’s analysis and reporting capabilities.”

Either way though, once armed with its industrial-strength depth, you will conquer an unlimited spectrum of analytical, reporting and modeling needs. We repeatedly see dramatically improved productivity, efficiency, and profitability within a matter of days.

In this full-day session, Rob Collie and Avi Singh have filtered their many years of “Modern Excel” and Power BI education, writing, and consulting experience down to the things anyone can learn AND retain in a short period of time, while simultaneously building a confident foundation for future learning. Together you will take a 100% human and pragmatic approach.

Their recipe, geared toward absolute beginners, will give you analytical superpowers, broken into five easy-to-follow segments:

  1. Roadmap – we will literally give you maps that demystify Microsoft’s rapidly-evolving offerings in this space.

  2. Fundamentals – short and simple, these fit onto a single 6-step flowchart (provided).

  3. Patterns – “recipes” that you can easily follow and modify to solve business problems, without requiring PhD-level mastery.

  4. Priorities – Focused on the capabilities that are most “bang for the buck.” Avoids topics that are too complex or too “niche.”

  5. Examples – no reference guide beats a working example that you can revisit when needed. Each student takes home dozens of working examples.

The only prerequisite is to enjoy data. Join us for the revolution.

SessionID: 7636

Building Awesome, Interactive & Advanced Charts with Excel

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Event Date: 20-04-2015 08:30 - Category: Pre-Conference Session (full day) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Chandoo (Purna Duggirala)

Title: Building Awesome, Interactive & Advanced Charts with Excel


Learn how to create interactive & advanced charts in Excel in this hands-on session. Grow your charting repertoire beyond simple bar & column charts. Specifically, you will gain below skills:

• Interactive charts with form controls, slicers & VBA • Mixing 2 or more chart types in to one view - case study • Panel charts - communicating a lot of information in one view • Charting best practices & principles • How to speed up chart formatting & replication like a superhero

Example charts you will create by end of this session:

<a href="http://cache.chandoo.org/images/c/analytical-charts-demo.gif" target="_blank">http://cache.chandoo.org/images/c/analytical-charts-demo.gif&lt;/a> <a href="http://img.chandoo.org/c/then-vs-now-chart-with-details-demo.gif" target="_blank">http://img.chandoo.org/c/then-vs-now-chart-with-details-demo.gif&lt;/a> <a href="http://img.chandoo.org/vp/interactive-sales-chart-demo-2.gif" target="_blank">http://img.chandoo.org/vp/interactive-sales-chart-demo-2.gif&lt;/a>

SessionID: 7677

An Overview of Predictive Analytics for Practitioners

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Event Date: 20-04-2015 08:30 - Category: Pre-Conference Session (full day) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Dean Abbott

Title: An Overview of Predictive Analytics for Practitioners


Predictive Analytics (PA) has emerged as a “go to” approach to creating data-driven business decisions. The science of PA is not new, the algorithms are not new. What is new is how these techniques are applied to big and small data as organizations collect and integrate data that provide better information for predictive modeling.

This sessions will provide a practitioners overview to Predictive Analytics and four of the most misunderstood topics: data preparation, sampling, the strengths and weaknesses of algorithms, and how to assess model accuracy.

SessionID: 7695

Best Practice Mobile Dashboard Design  

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Jen Underwood

Title: Best Practice Mobile Dashboard Design  


Critical decisions need to be made anytime, anywhere, and on any device.  Delivering immediate answers to questions when and where your consumers need it most, in the field or on the go, can be a bit of a challenge.  With half of the world's businesses adopting bring-your-own device (BYOD) policies by 2017 and more than 80% of employees already using personal mobile devices in the workplace, it's more important than ever to effectively deliver actionable insights to a variety of mobile devices.  In this session, we will walk through common challenges, considerations, tips, tricks and best practices for designing mobile dashboards.  Be sure to bring your own tablet or smart phone to this session to participate in live demos.

SessionID: 7612

The Pain and Glory of Data Preparation

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Oz du Soleil

Title: The Pain and Glory of Data Preparation


Data science, predictive analysis … the glamourous stuff makes headlines. But one realm of analytics is only for the bold. It takes a special kind of person to merge, purge, cleanse, and shape data in preparation for the fancy jobs. Without this dirty work, analysis can go wrong. The results can range from embarrassment to imprisonment.

This dirty part of analytics isn’t formally taught. There are no standard tricks for cleaning data. Strategy and experience are the data warrior's weapons.

People who can clean and shape data are true heroes: They can remove duplicates, get data into the right fields, merge data, and so on. Sometimes it’s elegant. Other times, it’s ugly. The result is that any, analysis, and suggestions are rooted in trustworthy data quality.

In this session, you’ll learn strategies for assessing data quality, tips for cleaning and shaping data and determining how clean is “clean enough”, ideas for creating policies and processes that can guide you when working with unclean data, and which Excel features are most useful during prep work.

SessionID: 7807

Big Data and the Data Lake from the Analyst Perspective

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Lab (120 minutes) - Track: Unlocking Big Data

Speaker(s): Scott Shaw

Title: Big Data and the Data Lake from the Analyst Perspective


2-Hour Lab

The concept of a data lake is emerging as a popular way to organize and build the next generation of data systems to master new big data challenges. Organizations are seeking to create data lakes because they manage and use data with increased volume, variety, and unprecedented velocity. However, how can data professionals and analysts access the data lake for the expected insights at the velocity required by the business?

In this session, we will take every day relevant business scenarios to learn how to spring business value from data held in the data lake, in order to answer key questions:

• How do we import structured, semi-structured and unstructured data into our data lake?

• How can we access unstructured and semi-structured data to derive value for the enterprise?

• How do we do analytics and reporting over the data lake in Hadoop?

• What are the similarities and differences between accessing data held in a data lake in terms of architecture and syntax?

In terms of the technology, we will springboard from SQL to learn how to do familiar activities such as import, access and visualise data in our data lake. To do this, we will use technology such as Hive, Hue, and the Hadoop Distributed Files System (HDFS) as a data source.

Come and join us for this practical two hour session which will build on your existing SQL skills to demystify Big Data and the Data Lake for analysts. This session is aimed at people who want to keep pace with the latest Big Data technology by adopting the latest techniques to explore the data lake, building on their existing analytical knowledge.

SessionID: 7756

The Art of Power BI Visualization: Create Reports That Help You Run Your Business

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Avi Singh

Title: The Art of Power BI Visualization: Create Reports That Help You Run Your Business


Power BI (Dashboard and Power View) offers a sexy visualization tool. But it is unlike other tools you may have worked with and can even be frustrating at times.

Learn how you can effectively use Power BI Visualizations to create reports your users would love and actually use every day. Avi Singh, will share all the best practices he gleaned while building a Power BI reporting platform for a BI audience of 600+ users within Microsoft.

You will see Power BI Visualizations in action within Excel, online on SharePoint and in its new avatar at Power BI preview. You will learn about the ‘winning’ report layout, crafting reports around user stories, how best to use basic and advanced Power BI Visualization features, and more.

If you apply what you learn in this session, you will help unlock the insights that are buried in your data and help drive your business to new levels.

SessionID: 7674

Increased Margins, Period: Modern Excel and the Bottom Line

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (120 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Rob Collie

Title: Increased Margins, Period: Modern Excel and the Bottom Line


The Bottom Line: it’s so synonymous with “nothing else really matters” that it has become its own cliché even OUTSIDE the business world.

But it often seems like the reporting and analytics world didn't get the message. Why, for instance, is “Sales Dollars” the most commonly-reported metric when only MARGINS truly matter?

In this session, Rob Collie will show you how Modern Excel, with its suite of Power BI tools, helps us dramatically kick those bad habits. He will provide you with a step-by-step methodology for “working backwards” from the impact you need, coming full circle to delivering that impact in less than a day. Using a live case study as a backdrop, you will see everything - from sketches and data prep to formulas and dashboards.

Your job is then to take this approach, which has saved individual clients millions of dollars per year, back to your own business. And to your own bottom line.

SessionID: 7650

Making Informed Decisions: Guidelines for Creating an Effective Dashboard

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Communicate & Lead

Speaker(s): Rick Grantham

Title: Making Informed Decisions: Guidelines for Creating an Effective Dashboard


This session will provide guidelines for developing a dashboard that helps your organization make better-informed decisions. By attending this session, you will:

• Determine the best ways to scope your dashboard project, including tips for gathering requirements and eliciting feedback

• See what’s required to build an effective dashboard, from documenting query mockups to creating dashboard prototypes.

Rick will go through every step of the requirements gathering process and provide the audience with LIVE demonstrations at every step, including sample mockups and real-life examples of how to best scope your dashboard.

After this session, you will know when you should (and when you should not) start your KPIs with your company’s annual report. You will be armed with the most efficient process to create the most effective dashboards.

SessionID: 7593

What Skills Do Predictive Modelers Need?

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Dean Abbott

Title: What Skills Do Predictive Modelers Need?


Data science and predictive analytics is one of the hottest technology fields today. Dozens of masters and certificate programs have sprung up in the past 5 years to address the needs in the marketplace for analysts with predictive modeling expertise. What’s most important: understanding the algorithms? Ability to program in SQL or R? Or is experience more important than the technology? This session describes the interplay between the science and art of predictive analytics in the context of hiring talent for predictive modeling.

SessionID: 7708

The ROI of Business Analytics: Calculating Financial Return

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Communicate & Lead

Speaker(s): Othniel Denis

Title: The ROI of Business Analytics: Calculating Financial Return


Whether you're preforming business analytics with small data or big data every project needs to deliver ROI (Return on Investment).  This session will focus on teaching participants the science and art of ROI calculations.  We will include case studies, best practices and common pitfalls to avoid.

SessionID: 7644

The Data Supply Chain: Maximizing Value Throughout the Cycle

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Hyoun Park

Title: The Data Supply Chain: Maximizing Value Throughout the Cycle


Enterprise data is no longer simply structured, internal, or scheduled in nature. In today’s world, where every knowledge worker is asked to make “data-driven decisions,” it is incredibly challenging to support all of the forms of data requested by employees. To translate data into business insights, data analysts have to think about how the data will be presented. This means understanding where the data came from, who requested the data, who will actually receive the data, and how the data will be presented in its final form. Each of these considerations must be fully considered to maximize the value of data.

By fully considering the full “supply chain” of data from source to consumption, data analysts can insure that their data extraction, quality, and integration are fully appreciated by the end user whether it be an employee, partner, customer, or other interested party.

SessionID: 7649

Unlocking Big Data: The Power of Cognitive Computing

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Unlocking Big Data

Speaker(s): James Kobielus

Title: Unlocking Big Data: The Power of Cognitive Computing


Cognitive computing – the ability of automated systems to learn and interact naturally with people to extend what either human or machine could do on their own – helps us drill through large volumes of data rapidly to make better decisions. Cognitive computing performance improves over time as systems build knowledge and learn a domain’s language and terminology, its processes, and its preferred methods of interacting. See why cognitive computing applications are at the very heart of the Big Data-analytics revolution and how they are fast becoming among the most transformative tools in modern business.

SessionID: 7588

Creating Outstanding Spreadsheet Models

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Jordan Goldmeier

Title: Creating Outstanding Spreadsheet Models


This is an hour-long discussion on creating outstanding spreadsheet models in which Jordan Goldmeier proposes three conceptual points to optimize: layout & design; code & formulas; and presentation. He will go through each topic and provide the audience with directives to build better spreadsheet models. Most importantly, Jordan will provide the audience with the confidence and tools to apply such principles across spreadsheet models in all fields.

SessionID: 7825

Self Service Business Intelligence: Helping Businesses Help Themselves

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Dipak Bhudia, Minnie Park

Title: Self Service Business Intelligence: Helping Businesses Help Themselves


Considered a fairytale for businesses, but feared as a nightmare for IT who choose to safeguard data behind hordes of business analysts, report designers, sql developers, QA testers and release management. Do all these layers truly need to exist in business intelligence? Giving businesses the freedom to explore and analyze in a collaborative environment speeds up insights not simply by 10%, 20% or 50%, but by magnitudes of 2 to 6 fold! This is a ridiculous increase in productivity that simply cannot be ignored.

This session will cover a real-world use-case of how one of the worlds largest banks implemented self-service and agile BI methodologies to give their risk officers the tools necessary to deliver datapoints required by a rapidly growing number of regulatory bodies during the aftermath of the financial crisis.

See how some IT departments are evolving from report delivery to data delivery, letting businesses handle the dynamic query and representation whilst IT can observe and monitor how businesses use the data. This ‘BI-on-BI’ helps focus scarce IT resources to delivering even higher quality data where it matters most.

SessionID: 7672

Open for Business: Leveraging Open Data to Gain Advantage on the Competition

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (120 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Brandon Purcell

Title: Open for Business: Leveraging Open Data to Gain Advantage on the Competition


Recently, data has become the new energy source of some of the world’s largest organizations. While heavy emphasis has been placed on data collected from internal company sources, open data—data from governmental sources that is publicly available-- provides an additional boost to uncover key competitive insights, changes in market share, compliance risks, growth opportunities and more. Based on Beyond the Arc’s on-going analysis of open data sources, such as the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), Brandon Purcell will provide his data science expertise on the methods businesses should adopt to operationalize open data, rather than ignoring a potential goldmine of information. Real-world application examples will include:

• Mining the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau database to prevent customer complaints

• Leveraging the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act database for competitive analysis

• Integrating open data with internal data sources and social media. Relevant technologies: R, Excel

SessionID: 7651

Embracing The Data Leadership Nexus to Achieve Strategic Success

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Communicate & Lead

Speaker(s): Richard Lee

Title: Embracing The Data Leadership Nexus to Achieve Strategic Success


As momentum grows towards the full exploitation of Big Data & Analytics as a source of competitive advantage, the necessity for the CEO, the Board and the entire Senior Executive Team to assume full accountability for these endeavors has never been paramount. Big Data & Analytics as strategic enablers are no longer the domain of IT.

The Data Leadership Nexus is the intersection of; Top-Down Executive Leadership, a fully-aligned Organizational Culture and the use of Data (Big or Small), Information & Analytics as Core Competencies. It is the path to Strategic Success in becoming a Predictive Enterprise and it the linchpin of every Organization’s Strategic Plan for building & sustaining “a Culture of Evidence-based Decisioning”.

In my presentation I will dive deeper into all aspects of the Data Leadership Nexus and lay the groundwork for you to use in leveraging it as your Strategic Framework.

SessionID: 7640

Creating Awesome Charts in Excel: Process and Examples

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Lab (120 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Chandoo (Purna Duggirala)

Title: Creating Awesome Charts in Excel: Process and Examples


2-Hour Lab

Learn how to create awesome charts using Microsoft Excel. Understand the principles behind chart selection, creation & formatting to impress & communicate. In this hands-on session we will be creating many Excel charts for common business analysis needs, understand why they work, how to improve them and what mistakes to avoid. • 6 types of analytical needs • 8 recommended chart types • Data to ink ratio & maximizing it • How to choose colors & fonts • Formatting guidelines • Charts for Budget vs. Actual analysis • Charts for trends & forecasts • Charts for comparing and highlighting best (worst) performers Who can attend: Anyone familiar with Excel and already creating charts (doing analysis). Recommended for CXOs, Managers or Analysts or people who need to communicate often.

SessionID: 7680

Budgeting with Power Pivot

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 14:30 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Marco Russo

Title: Budgeting with Power Pivot


Budgeting is one of the most challenging scenarios in the Power Pivot arena. For example, you might need to summarize sales in previous years and to allocate the budget forecasts. You have to work with data at different granularities and to find a way to author DAX code to compute the forecasts at the desired granularity.

When it comes to budgeting, each company is a unique scenario. In this session, Marco will show you some common techniques to use when building a budget model with Power Pivot and Power Query, including previous year allocation, multiple-step budgeting with linked back tables, handling of budget on products which do not yet exist.

SessionID: 7676

60 Reporting Tips in 60 Minutes

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 14:30 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Ike Ellis

Title: 60 Reporting Tips in 60 Minutes


This session will be rapid fire, fast-paced experience, focusing on all sorts of reporting tips. This session is for the YouTube generation. Do you have a short attention span? Are 15-second commercials too long to sit through? Do you want the very best reporting tips collected from watching hundreds of videos and reading a library of books, plus years of reporting experience? Come to this session. We have tips on Excel, data visualization, interviewing stake holders, organizing reporting teams, securing reports, consolidation, dashboard design, SSRS, SSIS, and T-SQL authoring. You're guaranteed to learn something actionable that will make you more effective in your career.

SessionID: 7792

Social Listening, Data Extraction & Discovery

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 14:30 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Paco Gonzalez

Title: Social Listening, Data Extraction & Discovery


Facebook, Twitter or Yammer are just sources of our less structured data. Data can come in different formats i.e. mp3, text, streaming or videos. Extracting data to then cleanse and reshape it is not an easy task. Organizations must have this data available to understand what current and prospective customers are saying about the organization’s services and products. This session will show samples of how to use cutting edge Microsoft tools to capture, extract, store and process unstructured data to then do further analysis and machine learning. A real demo of social data capture using HDInisght, HBASE & Azure Machine Learning will be shown. Join this session for real social media analytics samples to work on with your organization.

SessionID: 7642

Resistance is Futile: What You Need to Know about Big Data

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 14:30 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Unlocking Big Data

Speaker(s): Michelle Ufford

Title: Resistance is Futile: What You Need to Know about Big Data


The data community is all abuzz about Big Data, and for good reason. Much like Business Intelligence before it, we're rapidly approaching the point where all information workers should have at least a cursory understanding of what Big Data is and how it applies to their profession.

In this session, Michelle Ufford will introduce Big Data using concrete, real-world examples and will explain why she believes this topic is applicable to everyone. She’ll provide a brief introduction to Hadoop, including the technologies and languages most relevant to analysts. She’ll explore some common use cases and access patterns for analysts using Hadoop, including ad hoc querying and data visualization. Finally, she’ll conclude with Q&A and resources for learning more.

If you’re still trying to understand Big Data and decide if it’s relevant to you, then this is a session you won’t want to miss!

SessionID: 28353

Is There Really Such a Thing as Turnkey Data Analytics Solution?

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Unlocking Big Data

Speaker(s): Satheesh Iyer

Title: Is There Really Such a Thing as Turnkey Data Analytics Solution?


Yes there is, and it doesn’t take a BI wizard to set up or use it. Join HP’s session on HP ConvergedSystem 300 for Microsoft Analytics Platform. A platform developed and supported by Microsoft. Learn how this turnkey solution accelerates the time to value of a business analytics solution and what makes it so simple to implement, easy to use and affordable.

SessionID: 7598

Beyond What-If: How to Build Analytic and Decision Models in Spreadsheets

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Lab (120 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Daniel Fylstra

Title: Beyond What-If: How to Build Analytic and Decision Models in Spreadsheets


2-Hour Lab

Countless ads and articles from software vendors claim that you need to “outgrow the spreadsheet” and learn a whole new platform and language (theirs) in order to build analytic models and solve decision problems. Yet virtually all these tools feature “Excel import/export” buttons, and meanwhile tons of users have built analytic and decision models directly in Excel, often getting big payoffs. So, can you do it? Sure you can, but it requires a somewhat different way of thinking about your spreadsheet model, and more than simple calculation. In this hands-on session, you will do it! We’ll walk you through creation of Solver models for optimization, Monte Carlo simulation models for risk analysis, decision analysis models and more in Excel 2013, running on supplied PCs at your lab room seat. Analytic decision models are very often based on the summarized data we get from business intelligence tools – so we’ll use Power Pivot and Power Query to retrieve, summarize and deliver the data we need for our Excel-based analytic models.

SessionID: 7602

Predictive Analytics in Social Media and Online Display Advertising

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Mahesh Kumar, Santhosh Krishnan

Title: Predictive Analytics in Social Media and Online Display Advertising


The last decade has seen unprecedented growth in the space of online advertising and digital media marketing. The new wave of social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) is making it easier than ever for the marketers to reach right customers at the right time with the right products and offers.

However, the marketers, online advertising platforms, and other stakeholders need to be equipped with suitable analytical tools and methodologies to maximize the potential of online and digital media. The traditional analytical tools are often insufficient due to the rapidly growing volumes of data as well as increasing importance of dealing with textual and unstructured data in this space. In this talk you will learn how to:

• Optimize campaign for an impression given user and webpage characteristics • Calculate optimal bid price for a campaign • Increase CTR (Click-through rate) by more than 50% • Decrease CPC (Cost per click) by 25%

SessionID: 7717

MrExcel's Most Productive Analysis Techniques

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Breakout Session (120 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Bill Jelen

Title: MrExcel's Most Productive Analysis Techniques


In this session we will take a deep dive to look at the settings in Excel pivot tables, subtotals, and data consolidation. The sample data sets will be typical invoice registers, sales reports and customer lists.

Attendees will learn how to use pivot tables to quickly create year-over-year analyses and how to apply an AutoFilter to a pivot table in order to filter on a single column or to generate a true top 10 report. Learn how to roll up daily dates in a pivot table by week, or into 13-monthly periods. Learn how to consolidate data of different shapes using the Consolidate command. Learn how to produce a high-to-low report of sales by customer using the Subtotal command. Learn when to take your flat data through Power Pivot to create asynchronous reports. Learn how to leverage GetPivotData to create beautifully formatted reports instead of hating Excel’s insistence on using it.

SessionID: 7603

Real-Time Big Data Analytics with R

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Unlocking Big Data

Speaker(s): David Smith

Title: Real-Time Big Data Analytics with R


Data-driven decision-making in today’s competitive climate means deploying statistical models into production environments. Every company that relies on predictive models to drive their applications and operations has a different process for model deployment. In this talk, I’ll draw on case studies from my work with data-driven companies to distil some best practices for creating and deploying real-time advanced analytics applications. I’ll give particular attention to the R programming language, which has emerged as the standard framework for building and deploying predictive models. I’ll also give some guidance for addressing some of the challenges that come with the conflict between “real time” and “big data” and offer some solutions for predictive modeling on data where it resides: in the database, or in Hadoop.

SessionID: 7694

Pour Some Data on Me: Discover, Manage, Analyze, and Visualize Your Data with Power BI

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Sanjay Soni, Miguel Martinez

Title: Pour Some Data on Me: Discover, Manage, Analyze, and Visualize Your Data with Power BI


Microsoft Power BI delivers a compelling set of self-service business analytics/ intelligence tools and services for the discovery, analysis, and visualization of data. In this session we introduce Power BI, with a focus on self-service information management and data stewardship. You'll leave with a solid understanding of the capabilities of the Power BI platform, how it can empower business users and data experts within an organization, and how to get started right away.

SessionID: 7689

Data Hunters & Gatherers: Discover, Acquire, and Transform Your Data with Power Query

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 17:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Miguel Llopis

Title: Data Hunters & Gatherers: Discover, Acquire, and Transform Your Data with Power Query


Microsoft Power Query for Excel is a new set of experiences to empower business analysts and end users to discover, acquire, and transform data of any shape and size. Join the Power Query team in this session to get an introduction to this wonderful new tool for Excel.

SessionID: 7707

Enabling Customer-Driven Insight: How Intel is Delivering Self-Service BI

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 17:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): David Schaefer, Gregorio Martinez

Title: Enabling Customer-Driven Insight: How Intel is Delivering Self-Service BI


As analytics become an ever-increasing priority, Intel IT continues to evolve their partnership with the business user community. This session will demonstrate how Intel improved its ability to deliver self-service BI to IT customers, resulting in faster time to market and lower total cost of ownership. Real world use cases and success stories are interwoven throughout the session to illustrate high-profile best practices in evolving the IT and business partnership in delivering agile business analytics solutions.

SessionID: 7701

The Valued Analyst: From Data to Insight in 60 Minutes

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Event Date: 21-04-2015 17:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Communicate & Lead

Speaker(s): Marc Reguera, Jeff Lumpkin

Title: The Valued Analyst: From Data to Insight in 60 Minutes


Know the business or know the technology? Which do you need to be the most effective analyst? Actually, you need both. Everything starts with real business expertise, but typically learning the technology has been a challenge. No longer!

Join us on the journey from data to insight to impact.  We will breakdown the different key components such as understanding key success drivers & KPI’s, assessing data availability, and then using new Power BI tools to design views that are aligned with your business goals. You will leave with practical learnings you can apply immediately.

SessionID: 7696

Visualizing and Analyzing Data in 3D

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Igor Peev

Title: Visualizing and Analyzing Data in 3D


How do you take data, analyze and visualize it in 3D? In this session, we step you through the process, show you how to create a story from your findings and publish it to the web as a short video. We will show you how to take data which is traditionally shown in 2D and present it in 3D and walk you through the benefits.

SessionID: 7626

Internet of Things Farm: Introducing Kids to Data Science

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Unlocking Big Data

Speaker(s): Jessica Ellis

Title: Internet of Things Farm: Introducing Kids to Data Science


The non-profit 'Teaching Kids Programming' lead Jessica Ellis, along with Lynn Langit, is piloting a new set of courseware. The goal is to introduce middle-school aged children to data science via a fun and engaging IoT environment. To that end, Jessica has created an IoT Farm behind the San Diego TKP classroom. She and Lynn are writing Python courseware to show kids how to connect smarter sensor data from the farm with better food in their stomachs. Come to this talk to understand what it takes to set up an IoT projects, from selecting sensors, to processing the data.

SessionID: 7590

Starting Your First Predictive Analytics Project

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Lab (120 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Dean Abbott

Title: Starting Your First Predictive Analytics Project


2-Hour Lab

Predictive analytics has become a critical component of a big data strategy. However, many organizations struggle with taking the first steps. This session defines predictive analytics, describes how it differs from related approaches such as Business Intelligence and statistics, outlines how key considerations that can cause these projects to fail.

SessionID: 7606

A New Approach to Defining BI Requirements

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): James Taylor

Title: A New Approach to Defining BI Requirements


Most organizations lack an approach that lets them specify their requirements for BI or for analytics more broadly. Their ability to find opportunities for, and successfully use, more advanced analytics is limited. In this session, James Taylor will introduce decision modeling with DMN, a new standards-based approach to modeling decisions. He will introduce the core concepts of the approach and show how it can be used to drive more effective requirements for BI, dashboard and analytic projects. Attendees will learn how to begin with the decision in mind, defining their BI requirements in terms of the decision-making they need to improve.

SessionID: 7611

Best Practices for Collecting and Analyzing Data with Power Query and Excel

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Chris Webb

Title: Best Practices for Collecting and Analyzing Data with Power Query and Excel


So you’ve played around with Power Query in Excel; now it’s time to put it to work. In this session you’ll learn how to ‘think’ in Power Query. You’ll see a number of examples of how Power Query can be used to solve real world problems and understand the best practices and patterns that you can take back to work and use immediately. Examples will include:

• Creating and using a parameter table • Combining data from multiple Excel workbooks into a single data set • Handling errors and unavailable data sources • Calling web services, handling authentication and working with XML • Performing sentiment analysis in Excel with Power Query and Azure Machine Learning

SessionID: 7808

The Art of Prototyping Analytics

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 09:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Communicate & Lead

Speaker(s): Ken Raetz

Title: The Art of Prototyping Analytics


Have you been underwhelmed by the promised enterprise data warehouse and business intelligence implementation?

Do you find yourself stuck attempting to grow the use of analytics within your organization? Is your company culture still stuck in doing it the “long and hard way”? Does IT still hold the keys to implementing deep analytics?

With the introduction of Power BI and a growing set of cloud-based analytics capabilities, Microsoft has opened the door to agile analytics and enterprise reporting capabilities. Like never before, leaders are able to develop and deliver the value of analytics “early and often”, and use this as a springboard to change the culture of analytics throughout the organization. Power BI can be a critical component of a corporate analytics strategy, and by empowering business users to do what they do best (analyze the business), IT and business leaders can finally begin to change the culture of analytics.

In this session, you will learn: • To identify the barriers to changing your organization’s data culture • To find ways to create a bridge between IT and business leaders to gain access to critical resources and people • The importance of ROI on your analytics projects • To use Excel and Power BI as an effective tool to develop prototypes and production-ready analytic solutions. • How to empower key business leaders and analysts to further the data culture change throughout the organization.

SessionID: 7692

Advanced Modelling and Calculation Using the Power BI Designer

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Kasper de Jonge

Title: Advanced Modelling and Calculation Using the Power BI Designer


Join us in this demo packed session where we look at how the new Power BI designer can solve complex business problems with ease. This session will explore new functionality in the Power BI designer around complex relationships between tables and additions to the DAX language to support new types of business logic. We will use many demo's using real world examples to highlight these new features. 

SessionID: 7639

Top 10 Excel Formulas for Analysts

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Chandoo (Purna Duggirala)

Title: Top 10 Excel Formulas for Analysts


There are more than 200 different formulas in Excel. So when it comes to learning & mastering them, it can take forever. In this session, understand top 10 powerful, useful & important Excel formulas. We will discuss how you can creatively combine these formulas to answer most analysis questions, how to avoid common mistakes and fight formula errors.

  1. References - relative, absolute & structural
  2. SUMIFS formula
  3. VLOOKUP formula
  4. INDEX + MATCH formula
  5. SMALL, LARGE formulas
  6. NETWORKDAYS formula
  7. Basic text formulas
  8. AND OR NOT formulas
  9. Basic date formulas
  10. IFERROR formula

Who can attend: Anyone familiar with basic Excel formulas and already using them to analyze data. Recommended for analysts or people who create reports.

SessionID: 7681

Data Visualization, Storytelling, and the Brain

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): James Haight

Title: Data Visualization, Storytelling, and the Brain


It’s no secret that data visualization offers an opportunity to uncover hidden relationships and empower individuals to make data-driven decisions. To best recognize the benefits of data visualization, it’s important to understand how the human mind interprets inputs and processes information. In this presentation we will explore why data visualization falls into our biological sweet spot and supports our quest to communicate through visual storytelling. Join us as we break down best practices to communicate analysis and build out the ‘Data Hero’s’ journey. I will draw from personal experience as a data analyst advising executive boards, my work covering the visualization marketplace, and my studies under an MIT neural engineer.

SessionID: 7625

Using Premium Data for Analysts

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Lynn Langit

Title: Using Premium Data for Analysts


Did you know that you can verify business names, addresses and credit status from within Excel? Big Data also means premium data, but what is it and how do you use it? Come to this session to learn via demonstrations, what types of premium data are out there, how to get the right data easily (usually from inside of Excel) and how to estimate costs accurately. We'll look at Dun & Bradstreet, Melissa Data, Strike Iron and more.

SessionID: 7691

Instant Dashboards for Your Critical Business Applications: Dynamics, Salesforce, Marketo and more!

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 11:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Discover & Integrate

Speaker(s): Theresa Palmer-Boroski

Title: Instant Dashboards for Your Critical Business Applications: Dynamics, Salesforce, Marketo and more!


Power BI makes it trivial for business users to build instant dashboards over critical line of business applications such as Dynamics, Salesforce, Marketo and Zendesk. This session will go deep on the partner integrations that are available in Power BI; you will learn how you can use scenario focused dashboards to effectively monitor the state of your business. You will also learn how to go above and beyond what’s available out of the box, by customizing your dashboards using Excel and the Power BI Designer. Finally, you will also get to see some of the not yet announced partner integrations that the Power BI team is working on delivering over the coming months.

SessionID: 7722

Becoming Team Awesome: How to Create Value and Present Data to Business Executives in SharePoint

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Matt Allington

Title: Becoming Team Awesome: How to Create Value and Present Data to Business Executives in SharePoint


PowerPivot is a revolutionary technology from Microsoft that allows Business Analysts to rapidly develop meaningful business tools with speed and flexibility that was previously impossible.

After an Analyst creates value-added reports, the next step is to multiply the value and business benefits by sharing their tools across the organization.

In this practical “how to” session, you’ll learn how to quickly deploy PowerPivot Workbooks across the organization using SharePoint, extending the value from the reports while reducing the effort to refresh reports. You’ll learn patterns that can be replicated to help you get started without having to be a SharePoint expert or the need for IT support.

From this session, you’ll head back to work understanding the optimal way to present data for business executives to consume via a “positive web browsing experience.” You’ll also have the practical advice on how to explain the value to your organization’s decision makers.

SessionID: 7711

The Analytics of Growth Hacking

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Jack Mardack

Title: The Analytics of Growth Hacking


From his perspective as the head of growth at such companies as Eventbrite, Prezi and Chartcube, Jack will talk to you about the "special analytics" attendant to the practice of Growth Hacking at software companies. Jack will talk about the installation of analytics, analytics strategy used to facilitate growth hacking, how data gets processed, visualized and turned into actionable insight to drive growth.

Analytics Model Overview We'll take a look at how growth hacking perspective drives the strategy and implementation of analytics. Jack will give a high-level architectural overview, and talk about some of the components used in each part: logging, log processing (ETL), dashboards, ad-hoc querying. He will touch on how the parts fit together, and talk about the typical data model: people, objects, events, metadata.

Jack will offer some examples from Prezi and Chartcube. He will talk about how the Prezi growth team built additional analytics on the existing Hadoop stack, adding hundreds of individual daily metrics to serve their needs, how they enriched user metadata and created new data architectures that were used by the whole company. He will look at how they used perspective and data to attack the user activation problem, and how they discovered the agency of content in the user life cycle through exploratory analysis. Jack will talk about how the situational differences between companies that have some users, versus zero users, impact the analytics strategy, and discuss how analytics serves user discovery in early-stage companies, and how they use data to consider the problem of product/market fit.

You should come away with a good understanding of how software companies leverage analytics for growth. Many of the analytical strategies and principles should transfer and have relevance for people working outside of software.

SessionID: 7688

Dynamic Presentation Using Excel CUBE Formulas

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Bob Phillips

Title: Dynamic Presentation Using Excel CUBE Formulas


Self-service BI is a great idea, with the Microsoft suite of Power tools going a long way to delivering this idea. For sophisticated users that can build models and analyse data using pivot tables, this is a great and effective solution. But what about the rest, those who just need results that they can use in their day job, the managers who just need the figures to help them make decisions?

Dashboards with good charts and graphics go some ways to delivering information for such users, but often a good table of results will give the correct amount of detail to gain the necessary insights, and is easy to read. With the aptly named CUBE formulas, Excel has the capability to read data directly from a data cube in the spreadsheet. This is a great way to build structured output in Excel, in the form of a simple table. The problem with this approach is in managing the data changes, changes in the underlying data can mean more or fewer rows of data to show in your table.

This session is not intending to explain how to use those CUBE formulae, although using them in the presentation will show their usage, as it is assumed that the audience at least knows of them and what they each do. Instead, the emphasis is on showing how to use other Excel formulas to manage the output, building a truly dynamic display that caters for changes in the size of the underlying data, whilst also handling those ugly #REF errors that can occur when users insert or delete rows above the output table.

Given time, we will add a little MDX to the formulas to show further dynamic capability.

SessionID: 7679

Inventory Valuation Techniques with DAX and Tabular Models

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Marco Russo

Title: Inventory Valuation Techniques with DAX and Tabular Models


Inventory Valuation is a common problem in accounting, for which you might already have a dedicated software. From this point of view, a Tabular model should be only a reporting tool for data processed by other tools. However, the powerful in-memory engine allows alternative approaches to this problem, making it possible to do simulation and recalculation in minutes instead of hours. This technique, based on a combined use of Tabular models and DAX expressions, allows the implementation of more granular and accurate techniques in Inventory Valuation. This session shows several approaches to this scenario, using Analysis Services Tabular as a calculation engine to speed-up complete recalculation of Inventory Valuation caused by corrections to old transactions or particularly complex requirements in calculation definition.

SessionID: 7673

Optimizing your Power Pivot models using Power Query (and other performance tips)

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Lab (120 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Ken Puls

Title: Optimizing your Power Pivot models using Power Query (and other performance tips)


2-Hour Lab

You know the scene; you've built a beautiful Power Pivot model that has solved all of your organization’s problems. You open it up, click Refresh and wait patiently for all the data to stream in. That’s okay, there’s a lot of data and you expect that. Then you click a slicer and… wait…

Time during the initial data load is one thing, but consumer’s patience during use is another. Their tolerance for latency is much less. In this session we’ll explore the things you can do to increase your Power Pivot model performance. We’ll look at the key factors that affect performance, as well as the things you can do to deal with them. In addition, we’ll look at how sourcing your data with Power Query can give you ultimate control over your data’s size and shape, and tricks to optimize it for Power Pivot consumption.

SessionID: 7706

Using Hadoop with Excel and Power BI, Plus Data Discovery 101

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 13:00 - Category: Breakout Session (120 minutes) - Track: Unlocking Big Data

Speaker(s): Andrew J. Brust

Title: Using Hadoop with Excel and Power BI, Plus Data Discovery 101


Want to get up to speed on Big Data, BI and how they can work together, using technology from Microsoft and several of its competitors? This back-to-back session from Andrew Brust, Gigaom Research Director for Big Data and Analytics, will get you there, with little prior knowledge required.

We’ll start by looking at Apache Hadoop, including its architecture, capabilities, and how to work with it directly. Then we’ll move up a couple of layers of abstraction and see how we can query Hadoop data using Excel, Power Query, Power View and Power BI. This will be a guided tour of Big Data technology and practical, approachable ways to work with that data using Microsoft’s BI tools.

From that focused look at Power BI, we’ll transition into an investigation of other self-service data discovery tools. We’ll look at tools from several vendors, including Tableau, Qlik and Jaspersoft. We’ll see how these tools compare to Microsoft’s, how they connect to Hadoop and we’ll learn about the commonalities between the products.

SessionID: 7868

Advanced Excel Add-Ins

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 14:30 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Zack Barresse

Title: Advanced Excel Add-Ins


Anybody can create an add-in for Excel. They're fast to create and easy to setup. Creating one which will work right out of the gates can take some time. In this session we will discuss an overview of "why" and "when" to go the route of an add-in. This session will assume you already know what an add-in is and how to create one, and will be targeted to a more advanced audience, perhaps those who've already created several add-ins.

In many cases your business may have a resident Excel expert on-hand, or that might even be you. Going for outside help or consultancy can be an extremely expensive endeavor (not to mention how many bad developers there are). This means any add-in need which comes up could be handled by the resident guru. Is that you?

Ranging from logical coding scenarios to shared add-ins over a network, this session will have pearls for your guru. Add-Ins can give your tools a beautiful and elegant UI and save you and your users countless hours of work by automating tasks.

SessionID: 7824

Big Ways Small Businesses are Leveraging Analytics to Gain Insights

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 14:30 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Sandy Rivas

Title: Big Ways Small Businesses are Leveraging Analytics to Gain Insights


Join us for a walkthrough of how a real business took their data from a point of sale system / SQL database to Power BI to drive decisions throughout all areas of their organization. This restaurant/bar incorporates dashboards and reports as a primary communication and decision making medium, not only for managers and owners, but also as a vertical integration with employees, vendors and even customers! We will explore, in depth, each usage scenario and learn tips and tricks to maximize the benefit of expedient insights.

SessionID: 7705

'What If’ Scenarios for Uncertainty in Business – Analytics as Your Crystal Ball

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 14:30 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Mark Wilcock

Title: 'What If’ Scenarios for Uncertainty in Business – Analytics as Your Crystal Ball


Whether short-term or long-term, businesses deal with the future as well as the present, and therefore have to content with a lot of uncertainty. The important perspective for businesses is to embrace the uncertainty and incorporate it into corporate thinking. What-if scenarios is one of the accepted techniques to better preparing and modelling this uncertainty. In this session, various likely scenarios are evaluated with clear guidelines on how to approach what-if scenarios using Excel and R, with an emphasis on communicating the results with data visualizations. Join us for this session with rich practical demos to illustrate key takeaways so you can apply to your own environments.

SessionID: 7605

Making Better Decisions with Data

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 14:30 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Communicate & Lead

Speaker(s): Jordan Goldmeier

Title: Making Better Decisions with Data


What cognitive biases exist that prevent us from using data correctly--and how can we mitigate their effects? This session provides the audience with a review of common cognitive biases and places them in the context of past failures of data to predict and handle uncertainty. If we know these biases exist, we can use them to our advantage and avoid instances in which they might mislead us. This presentation will show the audience how to make better decisions with the data they already have.

SessionID: 7646

Pulling Back the Green Curtain: Data Forensics, Power BI, and Dataviz

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Visualize & Inform

Speaker(s): Jen Stirrup

Title: Pulling Back the Green Curtain: Data Forensics, Power BI, and Dataviz


In the Wizard of Oz, Toto pulls back the green curtain to expose that the Wizard of Oz is a fraud. In this session, we will look behind the 'green curtain' of the data visualisation to learn how to 'poke holes' in the data that you are given, both in business and in everyday news headlines. In order to explode the myths in the data that surrounds us every day, we can look for deviations from these patterns in the data. We will learn how to use both data visualisation in Power BI combined with timeless data analysis to reveal or conceal efforts to distort the numbers, and question the veracity of the data. In the Wizard of Oz, Toto was the only character with courage, heart and wisdom. You'll need all three to analyse data, since truthful data doesn't necessarily give easy answers! Join us to learn more about how to pull back the green curtain on your data, and to follow the yellow brick road to expose the stories hidden in your data.

SessionID: 7793

Social Listening for Richer Data, Unstructured Analytics

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Analyze & Interpret

Speaker(s): Paco Gonzalez

Title: Social Listening for Richer Data, Unstructured Analytics


Organizations want to deliver better services and products to reach excellence. Our customers are telling us how we are doing, their thoughts, and expectations. Voice messages, call recordings, pictures, tweets, and text posts are just some examples of unstructured data. Cutting edge text analytics applications can help us take the next step towards innovation. This session will unlock the power of unstructured and text analytics. We will explore text/media analytics case studies ranging from social listening and sentiment to direct customer feedback. Join this session for a myriad of unstructured analytics real use cases, to identify what can be applied to your organization, and to start your own project next week!

SessionID: 7647

Creating an Effective Reporting Strategy: Tools, Metrics, Analytics

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Event Date: 22-04-2015 15:45 - Category: Breakout Session (60 minutes) - Track: Communicate & Lead

Speaker(s): Rick Grantham

Title: Creating an Effective Reporting Strategy: Tools, Metrics, Analytics


This session provides you with guidelines for what you should be measuring, what tools to use to report on what you are measuring, and how to improve the user adoption of reporting tools. Learn how to:

• Determine the most appropriate BI tools to use given your organization’s BI maturity and what key performance indicators (KPIs) you should be using ?

• Identify the most effective way to tie KPIs to your organization’s strategic direction ?

• Determine the appropriate analytic direction to take once a KPI measurement is missed (stop light turns red) ?

This presentation will show the audience how to develop a reporting strategy that optimizes user adoption.