
ID: 710

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PASS BA Day - Chicago 2017

Session Date/Time (dd-MM-YYYY 24h) Speaker Category Track Title
11-01-2017 08:30 David Smith Full Day Session (full day hands-on workshop) Advanced Analytics In-database analytics with R and SQL Server 2016
11-01-2017 08:30 Paul Turley Full Day Session (full day hands-on workshop) Data Visualization Mastering Power BI Solutions

SessionID: 59854

In-database analytics with R and SQL Server 2016

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Event Date: 11-01-2017 08:30 - Category: Full Day Session (full day hands-on workshop) - Track: Advanced Analytics

Speaker(s): David Smith

Title: In-database analytics with R and SQL Server 2016


With Microsoft SQL Server 2016, data scientists can run in-database analytics using R. This is a “best of both worlds” scenario: delegate database management to SQL Server whilst you create analytics and visualisations in R and Power BI. In this session, we will cover the overall architecture of SQL R Services and go over some best practices. We will look at best practices in analytics and visualisations with a focus on R, and then we delve more in-depth into some practical common use-cases such as:

Goals By the end of this one-day session, attendees with gain: • A basic understanding of the purpose and use of the R programming language • How to build predictive models with large data sets using the “RevoScaleR” package in Microsoft R • How to build and store and retrieve an R analytics model and evaluate your model • How to use R to produce data visualizations and manage them for retrieval by SQL Reporting Services

SessionID: 59853

Mastering Power BI Solutions

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Event Date: 11-01-2017 08:30 - Category: Full Day Session (full day hands-on workshop) - Track: Data Visualization

Speaker(s): Paul Turley

Title: Mastering Power BI Solutions


In this second annual installment of the Power BI Hands-on Workshop, you will master the “power” of Power BI. Learn to use self-service and enterprise-scale Power BI capabilities; gain valuable skills to integrate, wrangle, shape and visualize data for analysis. Beginning and intermediate level users will learn to address data and reporting challenges with advanced design techniques.

At the conclusion of the workshop, you will have a complete solution built from real business data, shaped, cleansed & modelled; with a dashboard and interactive report visuals ready for analysis. Topics & Skills: Modelling and shaping data using Power BI Desktop: ? Transitioning from Excel to Power BI Desktop ? Source data from a variety of platforms & formats ? Data modelling basics & best practices ? Modelling approaches with flat, normalized, star & snowflake schemas ? DAX calculation basics & fundamentals ? Need-to-know and good-to-know DAX functions & skills ? Understanding challenging DAX concepts; row & filter context, relationship cardinality & filter flow ? Advanced DAX calculations & business applications Visualizing and analyzing business data using Power BI Desktop: ? Standard report design principles & patterns ? Self-service end-user coaching ? Proper applications of filters & slicers ? Applying report visuals with cross filtering to answer business questions ? Report & dashboard design showcase ? Integrating Power BI with SSRS, Excel & SSAS ? Using R for specialized reporting, statistical & predictive analytics ? Using custom visuals for advanced & specialized reporting & analytics Content Sharing / Administration: ? Managing published models, reports & dashboards in the Power BI service ? Working with workspaces, content packs & security roles ? Options for embedding reports & dashboards into sites & web solutions Data Wrangling for Advanced Content: ? Connect to live and on-premises data using DirectQuery & SSAS direct connect ? Accessing advanced data sources ? Using gateways to manage live & on-premises data sources ? Manage & schedule data refresh ? Query design best practices & survival skills ? Advanced query scripting techniques using “M”/Power Query formulas ? Working with on-prem, hybrid & published solutions